Mallina Wilson

Executive Coach

Western Washington
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Mallina Wilson

A Transformational Process Awaits

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Mallina Wilson

Meet Mallina Wilson

Mallina Wilson is a seasoned entrepreneur and coach with a wealth of experience in business ownership, team leadership, and strategic planning. Since 2005, Mallina has successfully managed one to three businesses, honing her expertise in client experience, team building, leverage, leadership skill and wealth generation. With a passion for efficiency and goal achievement, Mallina is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses thrive through the implementation of systems, models, and processes.

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Areas of Expertise:

  • System Development: Mallina specializes in developing customized systems, models, and processes to streamline operations and maximize efficiency for businesses and individuals.
  • Time Management Mastery: Mallina empowers clients to take control of their schedules and prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring that they own their calendar rather than letting it own them.
  • Team Culture Cultivation: Mallina guides organizations in fostering a thriving team culture, where collaboration, communication, and mutual respect are paramount.
  • Personality Assessments: Mallina utilizes DISC and other personality assessments to help clients identify their core strengths and leverage them for personal and professional growth.
  • High-Performance Strategies: Mallina equips clients with the tools and habits necessary to achieve high levels of performance and success in their endeavors.
  • Goal Setting and Vision Alignment: Mallina assists individuals in setting meaningful goals and aligning their daily actions with their overarching vision for personal and professional fulfillment.
  • Leadership Development: Mallina provides leadership development coaching to help emerging and established leaders enhance their skills and lead with confidence.
  • Business Management: Mallina shares her expertise in running businesses efficiently, ensuring they continue to thrive even when the owner steps away.
  • Wealth and Exit Strategies: Mallina helps clients develop wealth and exit strategies to secure their financial future and achieve long-term success.
  • Renewed Energy and Commitment: Mallina guides individuals in renewing their energy and commitment to their goals, reigniting their passion for personal and professional growth.
  • Life by Design: Mallina helps clients understand their "why" and create lives by design that align with their goals and values, making a positive impact on themselves and others.

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