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Apr 15, 2024

The Importance Of Leadership In Your Practice With Brianne Spiersch

Kim McGuire, Chief Operating Officer for Fortune Management, sits down with Brianne Spiersch, the Co-Director of Veterinary Mastery and an Executive Coach for Fortune Management. In this podcast, Spiersch and McGuire speak on the topic of leadership and how it can affect a team's culture, which then impacts the profit of the overall business. Spiersch and McGuire explain interactions between employees and leadership, the difference between a leader and a boss, and the Fortune Leadership Model.

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Apr 15, 2024

Hygiene: The Cornerstone Of Practice Success

The hygiene department itself has much greater potential to produce income for the practice. In my discussion with Shannon Richkowski, who runs Hygiene Mastery, the real opportunities occur when the practice goes beyond the prophy and uses the latest technology to expand the service offerings to include cancer screenings, 3D imaging, laser treatments and more.

Read Up on the Key Factors to Dental Practice Success

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Jul 12, 2024

Extraordinary Practice E-Book

In this book, the Fortune coaches share some of the key factors to dental practice success. They provide an extraordinary game plan to put you on a path to great results. When you follow their advice and become an expert, you can only succeed. Pay attention to what they have to say, implement their suggestions, and enjoy the process. Let Fortune help you attract to your business and your life those things that matter most to you.

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