Protecting Patient Relationships And Profits Through Social Media

Published on
Nov 8, 2023

What do you need to know about social media for your dental practice as we move into the second half of 2021? In this podcast, Rita Zamora, a renowned speaker and author on the topic of social media in dentistry, joins Fortune Management’s Kim McGuire for a look at the current and future states of social media in the dental industry.

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Protecting Patient Relationships And Profits Through Social Media

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The following questions are discussed during the episode:

- How did social media change when COVID-19 came into our lives?

- What are some of the biggest challenges facing dental practices when it comes to connecting with their patients through social media?

- What mistakes would you encourage dental practices to avoid with their social media presence?

- How do you balance your presence on established social media entities such as Facebook or Instagram versus some of the newer options such as Clubhouse or TikTok?

- How can dental practices and team members truly be “social” on social media?


Coming soon!

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